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3 yrs

Medium to Large

I can live with older children

I can live in a rural area or a city

I can live with some dogs

I may be able to live with cats

I need medium walks

Thai mixed breed

About Me

Hi, I’m Arnie.

I’m a proper doggie dude, very chilled out and easygoing, although I am sometimes a little lively when I go out for my walks. I can’t help it. I just get so excited.

It’s great fun to go out with my doggie pals to the beach or the forest. We always have such a good time.

Adopted to UK

What Makes Me Special

I’m a very happy chappie. Even when I was sick (more about that below) I was always smiling. Well, you’ve got to look on the bright side of life, haven’t you?

I have a very relaxed manner and calm personality. The nice guys and girls at Lanta Animal Welfare are always telling me what a good boy I am. And we all like to hear that, don’t we?

Even though I’m pretty quiet, I’m also the leader of my little pack. I live with three young girl dogs, and I think they look up to me as a bit of a father figure. But that’s OK, I’m happy to take care of them.

Why am I Here at Lanta Animal Welfare?

Lanta Animal Welfare took me from a nasty place on the mainland where I lived with hundreds of other dogs. There was always so much noise and fighting, I really didn’t like it there.

I was not very well when I first arrived at LAW. I had a type of cancer called TVT and that made me very sick. But the lovely vets here took such good care of me that I don’t have that cancer any more.

I’m fit, happy and healthy. Wahey!